Fred Honchell


Fred Honchell is a transparent watercolor artist living in Delta, Colorado. He moved to Colorado's Western Slope after retirement from mechanical engineering to be near the mountainous terrain he loves to paint. His limit formal art training has been classes in drawing, design, and painting from Red Rocks Community College in Golden, CO and numerous workshops over the years. 

One such workshop by Buffalo Kaplinksi in 1995 encouraged him to work en plein air which has been his primary mode every since. "Painting directly from nature stimulates my creativity by not only the visual aspect, but also the sounds, smells, and weather conditions thrown into the mix."

"During an oil tanker trip out of Valdez, Alaska, I painted the waves crashing over the ship's bow as we headed south against 45 knot winds. I stood behind my cabin porthole capturing this scene as the ship rolled and bucked amid 30 food ocean swells. What a great experience!"

Fred has many paintings in private collections and is represented at the Working Artist Gallery in Grand Junction, CO. Fred is a member of Delta Fine Arts, National Watercolor Society, and a signature member of Colorado Watercolor Society as well as Western Colorado Watercolor Society.