INSPIRED Symposium & farm to table Tickets
Tickets now available for purchase Friday at Elsewhere Studios, Saturday at Paradise Theater, cash, check, credit card.
Symposium Overview
Friday, August 24th
Morning Pre-Symposium activities, advanced sign-up required:
- 8:00-12 Eagle Rock Archaeological Site Walking Tour with Dave Noe
- 10:00 Simple Shelter natural building visit & coffee with Doug Beall
11:00-3:00 Info. table at Elsewhere Studios
3-4:15 Register & Pick up tickets at Elsewhere Studios, last option to sign up for Saturday's farm to table meals.
4:30-5:30 Happy Hour at Elsewhere Studios
5:00 Potluck dinner at Elsewhere Studios
6:30-7:00 Opening Ceremony at The Paradise Theater
7:00-7:20 Carol Fleuckiger on Avenues of Socially Engaged Arts
7:30-9:40 Artist presentations:
Clara Pena-'Of Apples and Anthracite'
Tanya Blacklight & Christine Palafox- 'Per(fumes) of Prayer'
Saturday August 25th
9:00-10:00 Artist presentation: Anna Macleod-'Water Conversations,' Paonia
Banner and Mural plan:'Harvest the Rain', Performative: 'Walk North'
10:05-11:20 Keynote via Skype: Robin Wall Kimmerer
introduced by Dr. John Hausdoerffer, discussion and audience Q&A follow.
11:30-12:30 choice Eugenia Bone, '10 Insights Into the Unseen World,' at Blue Sage
Brianne Cohen ‘Climate Justice and Forensic Aesthetics’ at The Paradise
12:35-1:30 Blessed Foods, buffet lunch pickup at Town Hall, included in your ticket!
1:35-2:35 Basia Irland-’Reading the River’, Introduced by WSCC, audience Q&A.
2:40-4:00 Keynote Presenter: Woody Tasch and Slow Money
introduced by Colorado Farm and Food
4:00-5:00 Artist presentation: John Melvin- 'Curbing Social Entropy.'
5:15-6:30 Visiting artists & presenters private reception
7:00-9:00 Farm to Table Dinners
- Small Potatoes Farm w/Monica Whitaan (SOLD OUT)
- Elderberry's w/Lea Petmezas (SOLD PUT)
9:30-10:55 Regina Lopez Whiteskunk speaking on 'Source of Inspiration,'
discussion with Paul Larmer from High Country News, and audience Q& A
11:05-12:20 Marissa Mommaerts, 'Building Resilient, Regenerative Communities & Economies' introduced by Citizens For a Healthy Community, discussion Shawn Gardiner from ENGAGE, and Boyd Boland, audience Q&A.
12:20-12:50 Closing Ceremony
12:50-1:15 Share your Symposium experience, feedback and surveys