Spencer MaHaffey

I have been painting seriously for about 15 years, my style developing and morphing into its current form over time. I have found that watercolor is my favorite medium to work in, mostly because I am too impatient for acrylics and oils. The technique I have refined is very meditative for me, and much cheaper than therapy. My subject matter changes frequently, affected by and reflective of what is happening in my world at the time. It has ranged greatly from hearts and skulls, to abstracted landscapes, to nudes, to jellyfish and unicorns. As I move in to the next chapter of my life I'm sure it will evolve again.

As much as I love to paint, I sometimes get distracted by other mediums. I have more beads than I can count, glitter for days and a pile of yard sale furniture just waiting to be repurposed into the ultimate Pinterest project. All in all, I am just a "maker" and I have a family full of "makers" as well.  I can't imagine a life that didn't involve creating something. 

See more of her artwork at her website SpencerMahaffey.com